SF4ALL Sustainable Finances for ALL
TitleSustainable Finances for ALL
Complete Call for Papers
Sustainable development is an integrated concept with three aspects: economic, social and environmental. Finance can play a leading role to an inclusive economy and contribute to sustainable development. On the other hand we can see the rise of the long life learning. The challenge every country faces is how to become a learning society and ensure that its citizens are equipped with knowledge, skills and qualification they will need in the future.Financial Sustainable Literacy (SFinLit), is an Innovation Project focused in the Innovative practices in digital era. Is very much centered in the reinforcement of Digital, Financial Literacy and Learn to learn Competences in School Education. Financial Literacy, is a core life skill for participating in modern society, and Coronavirus crisis, has put under the spotlight in a very dramatic way how important Digital Competences are. In this crisis context and in a very strong way too, the digital gap is showing to be a critical point, that has to be urgently addressed. UNED will share with the consortium his experience in Digital Education Technologies, Blended Learning and on-line most appropriated methodologies so the Project can provide to the target group (Young Students) with the knowledge and skills they need to improve their Financial Literacy, Digital and Learn to Learn competences.A Consortia composed by 8 partners from 7 countries. UNED is the coordinator. From Tertiary Level (Laurea University of Applied Sciences) School Public Institutions (Agora Roermond School) Non Profit Associations in the field of Financial training for professionals and Young students (IEF), Administrative Education Institutions (Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary School of Thessaly) Financial and Banking Institutions (EFFEBI and EBTN) and a Tertiary Level Institution very much focused on innovative and Technology Enhanced Learning (Munster Technological University), that covers a wide range of perspectives, skills and knowledge, will address the objectives of understanding what Socially Responsible Finance is, show Socially Responsible Actions development and good practices, develop contents adapted to the needs of the target group (Young students), develop a training model addressing the main topic of Financial Literacy and develop training free on-line contents, to the target groups primarily by students but also for general users, industry, employees and stakeholders, to give effective answers to the emerging challenges.Previous successful coordination of technical projects, as well as in tool development and dissemination ones, allow to expect a good exploitation of new projects and the use of the developed methodologies and technologies.In the line to create an open and flexible learning environment, this project will take profit the experience of our associated partners and also of other experts in the field of financial education and pedagogy. Each country of the consortium will define, in several meetings, the state of art and decide which competences should include in the curriculum and their level of an acquisition for each target group including vulnerable students.
- Sustainable finance
- Long life learning
- Financial Literacy
- Financial Literacy for Young students
- Financial training for professionals
- Financial training for Young students
- Financial training for general users
- Tools and guidelines for training in sustainable financial education
- Socially Responsible Finance
- Responsible consumption
- Circular economy
- Reorientation of capital flows
- Learn to Learn competences
- Digital Education Technologies
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- On-line most appropriated methodologies for learning
- Blended Learning
- Labor market issues incl. career guidance
- Youth unemployment
- Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills
- Digital competences
- Chair, Elena Ruiz, UNED, Spain, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
- Elio Sancristobal, UNED, Spain
- Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
- Inma Miralles, IEF
- Mario Spatafora, Effebi, Italy
- Gearóid Ó Súilleabhái, Munster Technical University, Ireland
- Annemari Kuhmonen, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Dimitra Xesfigouli, Regional Dir. Thessaly P.D.E.Th, Greece
- Fatma Dirke, EBTN, Belgium
- Guido Van Dijk, Agora Niekée Roermon, The Netherlands
- Deadline for complete paper submissions: June 30, 2021 using
https://www.conftool.org/weefgedc2021/ - Notification of paper acceptance: September 10, 2021
- Submissions final camera-ready papers: September 20, 2021
- Online authors and early registration deadline September 20, 2021
- Conference: November 15-18, 2021