TechEE Technologies for on-line, hybrid and distance Engineering Education
TitleTechEE Technologies for on-line, hybrid and distance Engineering Education
TechEE Technologies for on-line, hybrid and distance Engineering Education
Complete Call for Papers
Many successful technologies have had an impact on engineering education and significantly changed the way that students learn. New methodologies, such as on-line, distance, hybrid or blended learning are being applied based on new innovations. This special issue will analyze how new technologies are shaping the way we currently teach and learn. It will also put focus on new trends and researches on this area to help researchers, practitioners and decision-makers to decide where to focus their research efforts in the future.
For example, computer simulation is now standard practice in most engineering education disciplines. Similarly, learning management systems have been adopted by many universities as a technique to modularize the learning experience, provide asynchronous learning supplements, and provide a tracking mechanism to monitor student flow through coursework.
Technologies such as Virtual and Augmented reality, gamification, intelligent tutoring systems or Learning Analytics are allowing researchers and teachers to increase their social impact by reaching more population and delivering them more personalized learning materials and more engaging experiences. Technologies such as virtual and remote labs are allowing more students to improve their practical skills anytime and anywhere. Also these on-line labs allow educational institutions to considerably reducing costs and maintenance by accessing federated labs. On the other hand, universal access to education is becoming easier through the use of MOOCs, OERs and smartphones.
It is important for education technology researchers to understand the current research trends in learning technologies, as well as the perception of both teachers and students about these technologies.
- Digital accreditations
- Learning analytics
- Mobile apps
- Adaptive and personalized learning
- Open learning and MOOCs
- Chatbots and virtual assistants
- Affective computing
- Cloud computing
- Diversity and Inclusion in Learning Systems
- eXtended Reality (XR) and immersive environments
- Fairness, privacy, and transparency in learning
- Peer online assessment
- Remote evaluation and plagiarism detectors
- Digital fabrication and Makerspaces
- Digital Twins
- Remote and Hybrid Lecture Tools
- Serious games
- Remote labs
- Virtual labs
- Educational Robotics and programming tools
- Intelligent tutoring system
- Co-Chair, Sergio Martin, UNED, Spain, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
- Co-Chair, Angeles Sanchez-Elvira, UNED, Spain, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
- Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
- Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
- Clara Perez, UNED, Spain
- Felix Garcia-Loro, UNED, Spain
- Miguel Rodriguez-Artacho, UNED, Spain
- Blanca Quintana, UNED, Spain
- Elena Ruiz, UNED, Spain
- Deadline for complete paper submissions: June 30, 2021 using - Notification of paper acceptance: September 10, 2021
- Submissions final camera-ready papers: September 20, 2021
- Online authors and early registration deadline September 20, 2021
- Conference: November 15-18, 2021