The National Distance Education University (UNED) has as its mission the public service of higher education through the modality of distance education, through its extensive distribution of centers, classrooms, libraries and professor- tutors throughout Spain and abroad, UNED puts at your disposal the services, qualifications and resources that any traditional university can offer; however, through UNED you have the freedom to reconcile work and family life with the educational improvement required by the knowledge society in a global world.
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WEEF/GEDC 2021 conference (English)
WEEF/GEDC 2021 conference (Spanish)
is a university where distance is no object for the fact that, through its educational methodology, UNED is the only university that offers the possibility of obtaining formal qualifications adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) from anywhere in the world. Likewise, UNED is the only university with centers in the Americas, Africa, Europe and all the Autonomous Communities of Spain; finally, training at UNED is carried out using new technologies, principally the Internet. Thus, the UNED methodology is designed and intended for everyone, especially, those who:- Need or want to decide their schedules.
- Want to make work and study compatible and reconcile these with personal responsibilities. Need a second chance to access university training.
- Live far from a university.
- Have special difficulties in accessing face-to-face teaching. Want to following studies in Europe.
- Are everywhere.
- Want to upgrade their cultural or professional training. Want to combine different areas of studies.
- At more than 205,000 students, UNED has the largest student population in Spain and is one of the largest universities in Europe.
- Since 1972, UNED has sought to translate into action the principle of equal opportunity in access to higher education through a methodology based on the principles of distance learning and focused on the needs of the student.
- UNED is the leader in the implementation of cutting-edge technologies applied to learning, with the largest offer of virtual courses in Spain.
- 27 bachelor´s degrees, 76 official university master’s degrees and 19 doctoral programs all adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
- University Access Courses (CAD) for those older than 25 and 45, respectively.
- Languages course offerings in foreign and co-official languages at the University Center for Distance Language Learning (CUID).
- Life Long Learning program with more than 600 courses.
- University extension courses (more than 900, including summer and other courses).
- UNED Senior, for people over the age of 55.
- Interest in responding to the demand for training groups with special needs
- Established in all the Spanish Autonomous Communities in the form of 61 Associated Centers and more than 100 extensions and classrooms, where tutoring takes place and also the venues for the proctoring of in-person exams.
- Present in 13 countries in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italia), America (United States, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela) and Africa (Equatorial Guinea).
- Academic teaching staff of more than 1,400 in 9 Faculties, 2 Technical Colleges and the University Access Course (CAD) at UNED Headquarters. And more than 7,000 Professor-Tutors spread across the Associated Centers.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university, with almost 3,000 faculty members, around 35,000 undergraduate students and 6,500 postgraduates in 18 Schools of study. UPM’s Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, as well as Architecture, Computer Science and Geodesy & Cartography, and recently Fashion and Sports.
Moreover, UPM as a top-quality academic establishment has a strong commitment to R&D and Innovation, boasting 203 Research Units and 17 Research Centers and Institutes, contributing significantly to the international scientific community with a high number of journal papers, conference communications, and PhD theses.
UPM has a long tradition of collaboration with Industry (around 50% of its R&D funding] and participation in international R&D programs. As UPM participation in FP7 is concerned, the University has taken part up to now in 242 European R&D projects with more than 64 M€ of funding, ranked first Spanish University.
UPM is a full member of the major LAC technological university associations (LACCEI, ASIBEI, HACU, Tordesillas Group, etc.).
UPM promoted the creation of a Network made up of European and Latin American and Caribbean Technological Institutions. This Network, called Magalhaes, has smoothly been running for eleven years. Currently, around one thousand students move every year from one side to other of the Atlantic in the framework of this Network. - GLOBAL ENGINEERING DEANS COUNCIL
The Global Engineering Deans Council is a community of over 500 engineering leaders from more than 50 countries collaborating with industry, universities & multilateral government organizations to develop the global workforce of the future.
Created under the umbrella of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) in May 2008, the GEDC was formed by academic leaders from prestigious engineering institutions. The GEDC inaugural statement, the Paris Declaration, can be downloaded from the GEDC website (
The goal of the GEDC is to provide a space for leaders of engineering institutions to connect and share the successes and challenges of providing world class engineering education programs in an increasingly interconnected and fast-paced global community. GEDC’s mission is to serve as a global network of engineering deans and leaders, and to leverage on the collective strengths, for the advancement of engineering education and research. - INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION SOCIETIES
IFEES is a network designed to enhance global engineering education through collaboration between educational, corporate, and other organizations interested in engineering education. IFEES works to establish effective, high quality engineering education processes in order to assure a global supply of engineering graduates.
Currently, over 50 engineering education societies and corporate partners take advantage of the IFEES membership benefits including significant global exposure, networking with cutting-edge thinkers and practitioners, and making a positive contribution to engineering education worldwide.
IFEES connects engineering education societies around the world to leverage our members’ collective strengths to improve engineering education worldwide.